Friday, September 23, 2011

Short Recording Update

I'm not gonna lie.  Recording Belmont hasn't been a breeze.  Computer issues, software issues, guitar name it.  I blew my voice out while recording "Creatures of the Bloodline" and had to sit out for a while to let it heal.  The good news is, I'm halfway finished with vocals, and I have the hardest songs out of the way.  So it's still looking like you guys will be hearing this album on Halloween day.

I also broke my left pinky finger last night; that's my fretting hand for you guitar players.  I find it quite fitting that I started writing this album two years ago with a broken finger (left ring), and I'll finish recording it with another broken finger.  I'm just happy I have no more guitar tracks to do, or else this album would be pushed back at least 6 weeks.  

With that said, I'm really excited to let everybody hear this thing.  I've put countless hours into this album, and even though I will be happy when it is finished, it will feel weird not working on it anymore.

More vocals this weekend... 

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